Friday, February 13, 2009

Reflux: Go Alkaline

Paul is doing very well with his reflux! One of the biggest factors, I believe, has been one of the least complicated and least costly--watching his diet.

Going alkaline is one of the healthiest things you can do for your body no matter what ailment you're dealing with. Diseases and sicknesses thrive in acidic environments, so if you increase the base in your body (does this remind you of high school chemistry class?), the bad stuff has a lot harder time surviving and doing any damage. That's good news!

The challenging part is saying no to or limiting those foods that can increase the acid levels in our bodies. We Americans are so addicted to foods that include: coffee, popcorn, white flour, carbonated drinks, dairy, sugar, fried anything, and just about anything in a can. Just to name a few.

Does it mean we can never eat these things? There will be times you simply can't avoid it, but it is to our advantage to limit these foods and replace them at home with more whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies and raw nuts and seeds. Just to name a few.

I am so proud of my husband. Paul has cut back to one cup of coffee per day, and we are also looking into buying a Toddy cold brew system. The Toddy will apparently reduce the acid in coffee by as much as 67%. I have tasted coffee made by this system, and its smooth, creamy flavor was very pleasing to this non-coffee drinker.

So, I encourage you this week to think green. Think fresh. Think whole. Think low acid. And see how much better you feel for it!

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