Saturday, May 24, 2008

Storing Grains in Bulk

Some friends and I just ordered organic rice in bulk. My twelve-year-old daughter and I drove yesterday to pick it up--it turned out to be a fun girls' day driving through the green fields of grain. I love the look of a grain field--the plants standing so straight and strong like soldiers in their long, neat rows. Ah, the country. There is something so peaceful and healthy about it-- and this coming from a total city girl.

Through this experience of ordering rice, I have learned a lot about storing grains in bulk. Here are some tips that a friend of mine who often stores grain in bulk passed on to me. Hope these bless you today and make your life a little easier, whether you buy 2 lb. bags or 25 lb. bags at a time.

* Rice stores well in the freezer--up to six months to a year--if wrapped properly (Ziplocs made for the freezer, for example)
* Lowell Farms recommends storing your rice in the freezer or fridge, especially your brown rice, because BUGS LIKE BROWN BEST and brown has the shorter shelf life
* Brown rice can store up to a year and white rice can store up to 10 years
* Bay leaves can help to stave off bugs
* Storing your rice in a bucket with a lid (not sealed tightly) with some dry ice on the bottom can kill any larvae in the rice
* Gamma lids for 5-gallon buckets make storing in bulk a snap, keeping your grain fresh and airtight between uses
* New, food-grade five-gallon buckets and other bulk storing supplies can be purchased at a number of quality online sources, including Shipley's or Emergency Essentials ( Sam's Club also carries them.

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